Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Czech Society for Analytical Cytometry, I am pleased to invite you to the “Analytical Cytometry XIII” conference, held from October 4 to 7, 2025, at the Hotel Galant in Mikulov.
This traditional event will offer pleasant and friendly gatherings, allowing us to engage in an intriguing professional program featuring a series of lectures by leading European and international experts from various fields of cytometry. This multidisciplinary program promises to provide valuable inspiration for your future projects in basic, translational, and clinical research. You can look forward to sessions on new methods, single-cell genomics, microfluidics, extracellular vesicles, cellular and cancer biology, immunology, and hematology.
Educational modules, primarily designed for early-career colleagues, will traditionally cover the basics of flow cytometry, cell biology, and clinical cytometry, with a new addition on data analysis. We will financially support the participation of young colleagues at the conference through travel grants.
We also aim to deepen collaboration with the non-academic sector, continuing with the well-established format of company mini-workshops introduced over a decade ago here in Mikulov. The demonstration instruments on display and the opportunity for intensive interactions between companies and their customers at the conference location undoubtedly add significant value to the cytometry community.
We remain committed to integrating our cytometry community into the international one. Therefore, this year’s official conference language will be English, allowing our guests and foreign members of our teams to participate in discussions.
I look forward to meeting you and hope the conference will meet all your expectations and exceed the success of previous events held in Seč, Ostrava, and Prague.
Karel Souček
Chair of the Conference Organizing Committee
Dates & Deadlines
October 2024: Abstract submission & Registration open
- Abstract submission deadline: April 15th, 2025
- Travel grant application deadline: April 20th, 2025
- Notification of abstract acceptance: June 1st, 2025
- Registration deadline for authors: June 30th, 2025
- Early registration deadline: July 31st, 2025